Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Heat wave

So we have a 4 day heat wave coming. It's going to be in the upper 90s even 99 one day...... great. Saphira has a hard enough time dealing with these 80 degree days. It's really hard to get her to eat and that worries me a lot because I don't want her getting dehydrated. If I had a car I'd just go to the mall all day or something. What sucks more is AJ's gotta walk to the shuttle in this heat so I'm gonna be worried about him too :/ This is not going to be a good week.


So, I'm falling behind on this already :/ Things have been a little hectic for me again lately. But biggest thing was I went in to work at that job that I posted about on Saturday. So she calls me at around 2pm that day and asks me to come in at 4pm, I was like okay no problem.
Now this is supposed to be a waitressing job. So I get there at 4 and she's like okay we're closing for a couple hours, so I'm thinking okay I'm gonna train, she goes to me "I'm leaving for a while, you're going to do dishes while I'm gone" Now if you've ever worked in a restaurant you know they usually have a big industrial dish washer so I'm like okay no big deal. I get in back the place is filthy and then I see I'm washing dishes for a restaurant by hand with a tiny little sponge like you'd use at home, great. So I do the dishes and finish up next I get to sweep the floor, then do the windows, then mop the floor.
Then at about 6 a table walks in the door, she tells me to take the table and I don't even know the menu or anything because I didn't get to look at it. Fine whatever I can wing it been a waitress before. For the prices they give like nothing to the customer and I could tell my table wasn't happy. Anyway, they finish up and they have this coupon that adds an 18 percent tip to their bill in order to use it so I'm like nice cause it was like a 12 dollar tip. So they leave and no one else comes in.
Her kids are there they have been this whole time but I didn't really have reason to mention it till now. Now the kids are about 6 and the other prob a little over a year old. The year old ish one already broke a glass earlier and god knows how much other trouble she's ever gotten into while there. Anyway, she puts the little one in the stacked high chairs and tells me to watch the kids. So I babysit for a while and then she goes "have my kids calmed down" I said yes and she's like okay bring her back here and make empanadas. 
So I make empanadas, she leaves again. A guy apparently called in an order he comes in about 9pm so I give him his food he eats and gets out of there. He paid in cash and she took the money (she came back a few mins after he came in) So I do some more dishes and stuff till 10pm rolls around when I'm finally told I can go home. She keeps my tips and never told me what she's paying me. So I asked about how pay works she's like oh you get paid weekly but again not how much or anything. And she tells me to be back at 2pm the next day and that she'll call me if she needs me sooner. I mulled it over for a while and decided not to go back. That was just ridiculous.

Sorry it's such a jumbled mess it was just so frustrating. >.> Other than that the past two days have been pretty uneventful. Just haven't been sleepin much because of stress.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Busy day

It was a super busy day yesterday, so I never got to post here. Saphira went for her 4 month wellness visit. She's 12lbs 7oz, which is kinda under what she should be, she's 24 inches and the doc said her head circumference is a little below average too. And even though he said it's okay, it still makes me uneasy. She got round 2 of some of her vaccines too, she took em well. On the bright side of the day she tried rice cereal for the first time, that was fun ^_^.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


So I managed to get down to the restaurant for an interview. She told me to come in this weekend because she wants to see how I do. So basically I've got the job, but I still need to resolve how I'm going to get there everyday that I work. That part is really gonna suck. Then there's Saphira, who refuses to take bottles right now for 1 thing and the other problem with her is when I'm not around she screams. This should be interesting.
I'm also not looking forward to tomorrow, Saphira has to go for her 4 month vaccinations, which means like five shots. It always makes me feel bad, but I have to give her credit, she's a trooper. She only cries when the needle goes in then she stops right away. Then after that we have to go out to the work first NJ office. Then there's grocery shopping and I need some clothes to work in, ugh having access to a car only one day a week really sucks.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Freaking heat.

Man I can't stand these hot days, it's only supposed to be two super hot days in a row, which was yesterday and  today, then it's supposed to be 81 tomorrow which will be a relief from this. I really hate hot days, I don't feel like I can get anything done because I feel so darn sluggish. I also feel terrible for Saphira, she's still breastfed and when I try to feed her she sweats like crazy. I worry that she's not getting enough to eat/hydrate her because feedings always end short because she can't take the heat. I mean she pours sweat when trying to eat in this weather it sucks. I need a really good AC unit, but that's just one more item that I just don't have the money for. I'm going to guess most likely the job I wanted to go for has probably been filled. Just not a happy camper right now.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Losing the baby weight

Well it's been 4 months today since she was born. I've been way too exhausted to even consider trying to lose the weight and still sorta am but I need to start doing something about it. I'll keep track of my weekly progress here and maybe anyone who reads this can help keep me motivated. I gained a lot during pregnancy and then after I continued gaining because I'm an ex smoker who is STILL having cravings and the only way to shut them up is to eat. So this is going to be a tough journey. I currently weigh 207lbs and I'd like to get back to my 140 or at the very least get to about 150. From what I read losing this much weight is going to take a lot of time but I'm hoping to cut the time down a little bit. I really hate not fitting into my old clothes. Maybe what I'll do is for every lb I lose I'll put away a few bucks until I hit my goal weight then I'll have money for new clothes for my new waistline. Idk I need some motivation because I've been so tired lately. The heat really hasn't been helping though, I don't really feel like going for a walk in 90 degree weather, especially with my little one. Anyway, I'll post up weekly updates on the weight loss. Hopefully I'll have some success.


Well today just pretty much sucked. I got nothing accomplished and couldn't manage to get to the job interview. This job wont stay open long and I don't know what to do to get a car. I need a miracle at this point. A car would improve our lives by so much. We'd both be able to extend our job searches further away from home, it would be easier to get Saphira to doctors appointments. Plus the million other things I'd be able to get done in a day with a car. But the only way I'm going to get one is if someone can loan me money or gives me a car. They really need to improve public transportation so that people can get around easier. I'm slowly starting to feel like it's hopeless for us to get back on our feet. I need a miracle to come along and just give us a little leg up. Oh well tomorrow is another day I suppose. I just really hope to figure something out soon.

4 Months

So my daughter is 4 months old today. And after 4 months it's still so surreal to me that I have a daughter. It amazes me how I can still sit here every day and look at her with this amazement that she's actually here. I always wanted to be a mom, for a very long time I dreamed of being one, and now she's here and already 4 months old. Before I know it she's going to be off to school and running her own life.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Hello all, I'm quite new to this whole blogging thing and hell I may not even be doing it right. For this blog I'm going to be talking about our everyday life as new parents. I also would love to have sort of an advice column type deal. I have been taking some psychology courses, plus just have life experience in many things, so if you'd like to be the 1st to get some advice leave me a comment with your situation, or if you'd like you can  email me kharvey251@gmail.com.
A little about myself and current situation, I'm 26yrs old and I have a 4 month old daughter (well 4 months tomorrow but close enough lol). Right now I'm living in a home with myself, fiance, daughter, mother and my two brothers. Needless to say it's a tight fit. My Fiance and I moved back up to NJ shortly after our daughter was born hoping for better job opportunities. Unfortunately that is not the case. I just finally found a job listing that is perfect for me but it's a little further from home than I can manage without a car. So now I'm trying to figure out a way to get a vehicle so I can work but I have no money so with no money I can't get a car and with no car I can't get a job to get money. I hate situations like this.
Well anyway, that's a quick little glimpse into my current situation. I hope to start getting some followers and posting up some cool stuff.