Monday, July 11, 2011


Well today just pretty much sucked. I got nothing accomplished and couldn't manage to get to the job interview. This job wont stay open long and I don't know what to do to get a car. I need a miracle at this point. A car would improve our lives by so much. We'd both be able to extend our job searches further away from home, it would be easier to get Saphira to doctors appointments. Plus the million other things I'd be able to get done in a day with a car. But the only way I'm going to get one is if someone can loan me money or gives me a car. They really need to improve public transportation so that people can get around easier. I'm slowly starting to feel like it's hopeless for us to get back on our feet. I need a miracle to come along and just give us a little leg up. Oh well tomorrow is another day I suppose. I just really hope to figure something out soon.

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